Let me start this blog off saying that I can't believe that I am 30 years old and that my mom is now 50 years old. She is so young at heart and in my eyes I don't think she is a day over 40 years old. Regardless, she turned 50 years old on Saturday. And she embraced it with wide open arms. When Chelsie and I heard she wanted to go sky diving (We were on the phone when we got her email "Suggestion") neither of us thought she was serious. But after we both talked to her and found out how excited she was we new this was not a joke. Apparently she has always wanted to do this! Oh the things parents hide from their children.
So on Saturday my parents headed out to Davis in the morning to take their class. Justin, Paige & I picked up
Mikaila and Chelsie about an hour or so later and headed up to join them. We had no idea when they would be jumping. When we got there, we hung out in the parking lot and watched some other people land. The
Kaufers showed up with some snacks and we all had a lot of fun while we were anticipating their turn.
Finally, they called their name. Both my parents had a shirt my mom had made that said- Look out-
Pidgeons Dropping on it. They looked so cute. They got their gear on and we waited to see if we could find them in the sky. As they got closer we were able to tell it was my mom because she flapped her arms like wings. My dad was right behind her. They had a blast.
We all headed back to my parents house and then went to PF
Changs for dinner. Then we went back to their house for cake and presents. It was a fun day. Below are some of my pictures and a video that we took. I tried to shorten the video so it may be a little choppy.

3 Sisters- We are getting so big.

Paige found the ice while waiting.

Mom & Dad

Mom- Coming in for a landing.


And we have touchdown

Talking with her instructor and camera man

Mom & Dad after they landed

Champagne to celebrate