Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Waiting Game

I have not updated in a long time. Sorry I do not have any pictures to post. I packed my camera in the hospital bag so have not been taking any. I will try to get some and post soon, but we will see.

We are in the 37th week and have approx. less than 3 weeks to go. Everyone keeps asking if I am ready. Maybe I am ready to stop being pregnant, but considering I can barely sleep now, I am not sure I am looking forward to what is coming. I know once I hold this beautiful baby in my arms for the first time, all of the fear and the pain will melt away (Or at least that is what I am told will happen). But until then, I just wait and fear the inevitable. 8 months ago it did not seem so big, but now that we are down to the "Any day now" mark and can't make any plans confidently, it all seems so scary. And there is no turning back.

We are pretty ready physically. Our nursery is overstocked (Still not sure what to do with some of the stuff). Our carseat has been tested by the police station and the swing is ready to go. But mentally, I do not think one can actually be ready.

I will let you know! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Katie said...

you are more ready than you know. an I can't wait to watch you figure that out for yourself!

God Bless,