Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quick Update

On Monday, Paige & I had her first swimming lessons. She had a blast. There are 5 other kids (All boys) in her class. We can't wait to go back.

We have been trying to get her to sleep in her crib again after getting her off schedule on vacation. The first few nights went well. SHe even slept from 9-5 on Saturday. But the last two nights have been tough. She has woken up for 1-2 hours in the middle of the night. Since I am trying not to feed her and I would probably end up picking her up, Justin has been going in to comfort her and I am sure this is getting rough for him. I just hope if we keep being consistant, she will start sleeping through the night.

We visited my friend from High School Renee on Sunday. She is in town visiting her parents with her son Josh. Josh is 2. But he was napping the whole time Paige & I were there. At least she got to meet and play with Paige. I had a good time. I really enjoy catching up with old friends.

I will try to post pics from Boston this week, but I have not really felt like doing much on the computer. We will see.

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