Sunday, January 25, 2009

I think we are turning over a new leaf

For the last year, our attendance at church has been way down. Prior to having a baby, Justin & I went to church most Sundays, but also were involved in several other ways. We used to attend (And I was on the worship team) the young adults group. Justin also volunteered with the Junior High. And I used to teach the 2 year old class every other month. But then, this wonderful miracle entered our life. And we didn't go to church for at least 6 weeks to avoid exposing this precious package to germs. We were able to go for a few weeks as she did well in the nursery at first. But around 4 months old she took a turn. She would scream and scream and scream until they had to page us.

Now our church has a great parent viewing room. But Paige has never been very quiet. So one of us would always end up walking her around the church because we felt like she was disturbing the other parents in the viewing room (Now she walks up to all of them and says HI so it is very distracting). We kept trying the nursery but within 20 minutes we were walking around again. So most weekends, we decided not to go because it was tiring. And we missed the encouragement and knowledge we get out of the weekend services.

Last week we went to our normal church, and had no problems in the nursery. We were able to enjoy the whole sermon. I thought it had to be a fluke. Today, we went to a different church with my sister. And again- no problems in the nursery. I am still a little skeptical, but I hope we will be able to start going to church again. I am not sure how soon we will be jumping back into different ministries as we are still trying to decide if we are staying at our current church or if God is taking us to a new place. But for now- I get to enjoy church again and I am thankfull for that.

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