Today (7/18) is our 5 year wedding anniversary. One one hand it feels like time has flown by and it is hard to believe we have been married this long. On the other hand I feel like we have been married for way longer. We have been friends for over 15 years now and have been together as a couple for almost 8 years. I can say that it isn't always easy, but I am glad that we are together. I see some of my single friends and know that I am glad that I have found someone who loves me for who I am. We are such opposites that sometimes it is hard to believe that we are together, but we manage to make it work.
Originally for our 5 year we were going to go away for a week (in May so I wouldn't be gone at fiscal year end again). We had looked at St. Lucia, Antigua and
Punta Cana. We were going to leave Paige with my parents and sit on a beach somewhere (Me with my book and Justin snorkeling). It was going to be amazing and much needed rest. But late last year we began to realize that dream was unrealistic this year. The economy has changed our lives recently.
So instead, I started looking for things that would be closer and less expensive. And we decided that going on a zip line would be it. Turning 30 has made me realize I need to get out there and enjoy life a little more. Just because I am a mom and a wife doesn't mean I should be secluded in my house every day. I was nervous, having never experienced anything like this, but I figured it would be safer than skydiving or bungee jumping and I knew Justin would love it.
Paige stayed the night at my mom's last night and we ended up bombing our house for fleas so it was not that romantic. We got to sleep in until 7am and were out the door by 8:30. It
took us about 2 hours to get to Moaning Caverns near Angels Camp. It was a nice drive with no traffic. Justin put on a movie and I listened while we drove. We paid our money for our first zip deciding that we would try it once before buying more trips. We had to wait about 15 minutes before gear was ready. The put on all of the safety gear and a jeep drove us up to the tower. It was around 11am and already very hot outside.
When we got up to the tower we had to walk across a not so safe looking bridge to the tower that was a little shaky as well. This is when I started getting a little nervous. We watched the first pair go and that was not too bad. Then the next people came up and one of the girls was petrified and could not do it. I was just hoping I would not chicken out when they hooked me to the line. She did not go, but her two friends loved it.
So, now it was our turn. The guy hooked me to the line and the tension was so tight I could barely reach the ground. I thought I was going to go before I was ready. Luckily they have a safety line that stops you. The tested the equipment and I am literally shaking at this point. But I was determined to do it. They took the safety line off and told me to lift my legs up on the count of three. I was not sure I was going to make it to then because my legs were shaking and I could barely touch the ground. They counted and we went. Justin thinks I hesitated, and maybe I did- but I don't remember.
The ride itself was almost peaceful. You go down a 1500 line, but the feeling is not like I expected. I expected the stomach feeling you get on a
rollercoaster But it was just free. It almost didn't even feel exciting at that point. Once they got us off the line a van picked us up and took us back to the visitor center. The wait was at 1 1/2 hours to zip again so we ate lunch. Then we went and walked around Angels Camp for a little while. Then we decided to head home. On the way we stopped at Sonic. It was an enjoyable day. I am glad I tried it. Now I am ready to go pick-up my little girl.