First of all, her sister lives about 2 blocks from the beach. I fell in love and was ready to move there. If only work could come with me! The first night was very chill. We caught a late movie and say "The Proposal". I was tired but it was a good movie so I was happy we went to see it. I finally went to bed around 2:30 AM and was able to sleep in until about 9:30 AM. Stephanie & I were sharing a bed in her sister's roomates room and we did not figure out that there were blinds that could be drawn. The room gets very bright in the morning.
We had a fun relaxing beach day on Friday. We got dressed up (more casual this night) and went to have drinks at a cool Tappas (Appetizers) restaurant at the pier close to her apartment. Sarah & Denise went to pick up two more girls around 11PM and Stephanie & I waited at a local club called Sangria. It was a little boring until the other girls arrived. Then we had a lot of fun dancing the night away. I did not appreciate the big black guy stepping on my ankle but at least he did not break it.
Saturday was another fun beach day. Sarah made some fun "adult" snowcones and we had a lot of fun playing on the beach. A few of us went for a walk on the beach which was beautiful. We played in the ocean and played bacci ball. It was a fun day. That night, we went to a Burlesque club. It was different, but was fun too. Not really my scene but I know the girls had a great time. I left a little early because I was not feeling too well, and a couple of us went back to the apartment and headed to bed early (if 1:30 is early)!
Sunday we went to church, and then had lunch at a friend of her sister's. We went to a local street fair where we found a great wine glass to give to Sarah as a Thank-you for letting us stay at her place and entertaining us. Overall it was a great weekend.
There were some highlights of the trip that I did not mention above. I got up before everyone else in the morning so both weekend mornings I took the beach cruiser out for a bike ride along the strand. The strand is a bike path along the beach and it was gorgeous every morning. I loved it. Also, Sarah has an electric skateboard, and I actually got on it. I was a little slower than everyone else, but I rode it and had a great time.
When I would call Justin he would say, "What did you do with my wife?". I did a lot of fun things that I do not do on a regular basis. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.
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