I hage lots of things to post about Christmas Parties, Christmas itself and the birth of my new niece, but for now I just wanted to write down some things about Paige at 2 years old.
My mom got us the "Elf on a Shelf" last year so we started the tradition this year. We had to name the elf so we named him Egiap (Paige backwards). Paige just calls him "My Self" and she loved to find him.
She can count to ten- kind of. She normally starts with 3, but she usually makes it all of the way to ten.
She loves to hide. She wants to go under the blanket. Most of the time we are hiding from CLO-E who has no intention of finding us, but Paige just laughs and laughs.
She insists on having 3 blankets on her at bedtime. Sometimes she will ask for another blanket, but I usually stop at 3.
She has been working on jumping lately. She doesn't make it off the ground, but she sure tries.
You can almost always find her with her finger up her nose. We are still trying to figure out how to get her to stop.
She is very polite- she always says Thank-you. She is getting better at saying "Please". And she says "I'm Sorry" at really random times for no reason that we know of.
She "cooks" Justin bacon & eggs almost every morning at her play kitchen.
Everything is hers. It is "My ______" or "Paige's _______"
She just loves to be tickled which is having different parts of her body rubbed lightly. She especially loves her tummy, back, arms and legs. Sometimes she says "Tickle Me" and even if you are it is like you aren't doing it right.
She is very opinionated and will let you know what she wants and how you should do it.
Most of the time you can find her striking up conversations with random strangers, but sometimes she can get really shy.