The last year has been tough on us and we already thought the rent we were paying was kind of steep. So we had a huge decision ahead of us. The first weekend we found a place about $300/ month cheaper than what we are currently paying. It had a two car garage and no shared walls. It had a patio that felt bigger than our current one. The kitchen was smaller (I didn't think that was possible), as were the bedrooms and living area and we would be down 1 bathroom. Plus, we would not be able to take the dog with us.
So we decided that was not the place for us and decided to consider buying a house. We were pre-approved for a little over $200,000. That doesn't get you very far here, so we decided to look in Concord which is about 25 miles from where we currently live (The opposite way from where Justin has been looking).
We found this house that we liked, in a neighborhood that we didn't.
We continued to look for a rental, but decided that we were going to stay where we are at for now. We signed the 15 month lease and are going to trust that God will provide the funds we need to stay there. And since CLO-E is 16 1/2 years old, she may not be with us by the time our lease is up which will make it a lot easier to find a new place. Or maybe, Justin will get a great job and we will be able to afford to buy a small place closer to the area we love.
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