Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Night 4 & 5

Night 4 was pretty amazing. It was my birthday. We had my family over for dinner so we would not get her routine thrown off. She was almost falling asleep during dessert so we started her bedtime routine and put her down around 7:50. It took about 30 minutes for her to fall asleep (8:20). She slept until 4:20 (8 hours!), had her diaper changed and fed (Up for about 40 minutes). She was smiling at me as if to say, Good Morning Mommy! Is it time to play? I just smiled at her and put her back in her crib. She went back to sleep without a peop until 6:45.

Night 5 was more like night 3. Justin put her down since I was at bible study. But she only took 15 minutes or so to sleep. She slept until 12:45, when she woke up because she pooped and was hungry. After feeding, and crying for a few more minutes (40 minutes of awake time) she fell back asleep until 6:45 AM.

This is a process, but it is nice to sleep with my husband alone again. I am still not sleeping too well since I wake up several times thinking she is making a sound and she is not.

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