Friday, May 23, 2008

Paige's 6 Month Check-up

Paige was such a trooper today. She played it up for the doctor and showed her all of the things she can do (sitting up, etc). She is right on target for a 6 month old. We now have to work on clapping and waving for the 9 month check-up. She is 15lbs 5oz now, 25 3/4 long. She is right in the middle of everything. The doctor was estimating she will only be 5'4", but we will see.

We gave her tylenol when we first got there so it had kicked in by the time she had her vaccines. She did great (Only 3 shots this time). She cried, but I nursed her right after and she was smiling by the time we left. She was a little cranky, but she took a long nap this afternoon.

Last night was good. She went to sleep early (7pm), slept until 2- ate and went back to sleep until almost 7am. Tonight she just went down at 7:30. Hopefully tonight will be good to. Now we are just looking forward to our 1st baseball game on Sunday.

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