After the call we headed back to our house. We tracked Santa on the TV (He was over Jamaica). Justin & Paige sprinkled the reindeer food on our front lawn. We put out cookies & milk (With our new Santa plate & glass set from my grandma) and tucked Paige into bed. We told her she needed to climb into bed with us when she woke up and I needed to get up and get things ready before she could get out.
At 7am she came into our bed. We were hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep, but that is a lot to expect from an excited 3 year old. I came out, turned on all the lights and got the video camera ready.
I called for her and started recording. We checked the cookie plate first which was near our fireplace. Santa had only eaten 3 of the 5 cookies so she was a little upset about that. Then we went to the tree (In our dining room) and she saw the big ride on car with the stockings in it. She knew that car was in our garage under a blanket as she had mentioned to me last week so the Glide bike we won was now the "Santa" present. She was looking at the stockings and the car and she whispered that she liked it. When we told her to see what Santa had brought, she just got upset that he did not bring her the Tinkerbell lantern she asked for.
We got her over that and she opened her stocking stuffers and a few gifts we had from friends & family here. Justin took her to ride on her new car but the battery only lasted a couple of minutes (We had not fully charged it the night before). He tried to get her to ride the bike, but she wanted nothing to do with that bike.
She played with some of her new stuff and we headed to my parent's house. We had some yummy breakfast pizza and apple sauce loaf (Christmas traditions). Then we settled into my parents living room and started the process of opening gifts (takes a few hours).
Paige of course wanted to play with everything she opened and got a little overwhelmed. We got so many things we wanted & needed and felt so blessed by our family this year. It was also fun to give my sisters and mom some things Paige & I made for them at color me mine. Chelsie & Mikaila both got nice, hand painted mugs with Paige's handprint on them. By hand painted I mean by a 3 year old too! And mom got a cookie plate that says "Nanas never run out of hugs, kisses or cookies."
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying our gifts in PJ"s. We also had some of our favorite foods (Cheese ball, meatballs, spinach dip and veggies) and my mom made something called Vegetable Pizza which could be my next potluck entree. We played a game of Yahtzee while Paige was napping. It was just how Christmas should be.
When we got home, we played with almost everything Paige got for Christmas and put away a few things too. My parents got her some great games like "Don't break the ice", "Don't spill the beans", "Ants in your pants" and "HiHo Cherrios". We are loving this new age and it will be fun to have game nights now.
And Justin got me the 3 bin laundry sorter I really wanted. There were a lot of great presents, but that one will make my life so much easier so it made me really happy.