Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paige at 3 Years

Here are some of the things she is doing now.

She has become a very loud backseat driver: I often hear the following:
"Mom- You need to catch up to those cars" (I asked which ones) "All of them, your car is the fastest"
"Mom- Why aren't you going?- The light is Green"

She loves to play "Go Fish" but doesn't fully understand the concept of the game yet.

Quote while decorating the tree "Mom- I love decorating the tree with you- It makes me feel so grown up"

According to Paige "All princesses shouldn't be scared", Why you ask? Because their papa's get rid of the monsters and apparently, so does Aunt Chelsie.

She enjoyed Hawaii so much that she pretty much tells us she is going back there every day. But often she is going on a scooter with her daddy. She doesn't understand that you can only go by plane or boat.

We went to the Dr for her flu shot. She was ready for a shot in her arm, and when the Dr decided that she should get the mist, she was upset. Mostly because she wanted a band aid. The Dr. gave her one and she insisted that we put it on her nose. That's where she got her shot she said.

She is starting to be potty trained- Will hopefully finish that soon.

She loves to make mail and put in envelopes. That is funny because I used to make mail boxes out of paper and then make mail to put in them.

That's all I can think of right now. I will try to remember to add to this as she says funny things.

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