Friday, March 4, 2011

Our little lawyer

I am pretty sure most 3 year olds don't put as much thought into things as my daughter. Maybe they do, but she really amazes us with her comebacks. You can't tell her something that isn't true because she will prove you wrong. And she will not stop until you tell her "Why". When you do answer, it better make sense or you start over again.

She had a little fever a few weeks ago. She kept asking why she was sick. I told her she must have a flu bug (I know- when will I learn?). After she got over the "bug" portion again, she kept asking how she caught the bug? I tried to explain that germs are everywhere, but that wasn't enough of an answer for her.

When putting her to bed, she asked me again. Since we have quite the problem with nose picking, I had a great idea. I told her that she caught the flu bug when she was picking her nose. She looked at me and said "No mom. Chelsie caught the flu bug and she doesn't pick her nose".

I have two observations. First of all, most kids her age would not have put together that kind of argument but she remembers everything and isn't afraid to tell you that you are wrong. Secondly, anytime you mention a flu bug she talks about Chelsie. Apparently, no one else she knows has ever had the flu.

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