The drive was long, so we brought lots of snacks and movies for Paige and she did pretty good. We got into San Diego about the same time as my parents, Mikaila & Great Nana, but it was a little too early to check into our rental. So we stopped at this beautiful park to let Paige run around a little bit.
That night we had a nice relaxing night. Chelsie & Tony came over and hung out. It was lots of fun. And the house that my parents rented was great. HUGE and really close to the college so it was a great time.
My dad & Justin worked on Chelsie's car in the morning. Good thing we had a garage.
I believe this picture is Tony walking in!
She graduated!
About this time, I dropped my camera and the screen showing the pictures is now broken. SO this is where my picture taking stopped. But we got to meet Tony's family for the first time here too. Tony has a twin sister and she was in the next ceremony so his family got the privilege of watching both ceremony's. We went back to the house to unwind a bit. Then we headed over to Tony's parents house for a party. It was great getting all of our families together and I think we got along great. And Paige had some little boys to play with which she loved.
The next day consisted of most of us helping Chelsie pack-up her dorm room and move to her apartment. Since she was busy with her final RA duties and had to check everyone out, that was quite the task, but after a lot of work- we did it! It was fun helping her set-up her new place a little and it was nice seeing her dorm room (And her ocean view). Kind of made me sad that I never got to experience that!
We brought back some dinner from their favorite BBQ place and spent some more family time. Plus I got to have some "Spa" time with my two sisters. We always manage to find some time alone to catch up which was fun.
While we were working, Justin & Paige went off to explore San Diego. They went to a Military Cemetery, A beach, Drove by Junior Seao (RIP)'s house, at some sushi and went to a store near the beach. They went into that store to get me a T-shirt and came out with a pet hermit crab named Aeva! They also bought a fake mustache which Paige wore around and had a lot of people laughing.
On Monday morning we packed up & headed out. Justin & I left earlier since we wanted to get home. My parents, Mikaila & Nana hung out for a little while longer and helped Chelsie get a mattress. My mom stayed behind for a few days to help Chelsie get settled in and the rest of them headed home later that day.
Sometimes it's hard for me to accept how grown up my little sister is becoming. It is hard to let go of the 2 year old "Chelsie in a box" kid I love so much. But she is growing up and it won't be long now until she has a full time teaching job, and gets ready to start down the next step in her future!
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