Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Her 2month old check-up

Justin & I took Paige to the Dr. for her two month check-up. The first part of the visit went well. She is doing most of the things she should be at this age. She is now 22 1/2 inches long, 10lbs 12 oz. She is in the 50th percentile for both of those.

However, Paige had to get 5 vacinnes today. 4 of them were shots and one was oral. She cried & I cried and now she is sleeping. I have never heard her cry like that before and it was heartbreaking.

But she is healthy so that is what is important.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

7 Weeks old

I can't believe how fast time goes by. Paige is a little over 7 weeks old now and growing every day. I need to update with more pictures I know. They will be coming soon.

Yesterday- I went to San Francisco with Chelsie to look for prom dresses. I pumped a few bottles and left Paige in the hands of her father. I was a little nervous to travel so far away from her (It would take me an hour to get home if I needed to), but he is very capable. I think he was excited since I have only left her with him to go to the movies (once) and the store for a few minutes.

Justin is handling most of her nights. We do trade off, but since he has not been working he takes the majority of the load. She is sleeping with him on the couch, or with me on the couch. I did put her down last night in her crib and she slept for about 45 minutes. I think we need to learn the difference between her sleep sounds and her real cries. I am waiting on a book that we ordered. Hopefully it will help with the sleep thing. But at least she is going longer intervals without food at night. Usually 3 or 3 1/2 hours at a time. We are also looking into the Amby Baby bed. It is a hammock bed that makes the baby feel secure, but will also rock/move with her movements. If you know anything about this bed, please feel free to share with me. The research I have found say it is really good for her because she is a restless sleeper and moves a lot. But I don't know if I want to spend $165-$230 on something that will only last about another 6-10 months and may not work. If only I could rent one test it out.

Well- that is about it for now. Stay tuned- her 2 month check-up is on 1/24.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I think I have finally figured out how to put a video here. This is just a start, but I will get better.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Our Family Christmas (A little late)

On Saturday (12/29) we celebrated Christmas with my family. There were so many presents and I think we all got most of the things that we desired. But more importantly it was a whole day spent with the family. It started off with breakfast. We then opened many of the presents. At noon we went to church to participate in our yearly "Reading from the bible" activity. For those of you who don't know, our church reads through the bible until New Years Eve service. People sign up for 1/2 hour time slots and read into the Mic. This has been a Pidgeon Family tradition for about 4-5 years now. Normally my dad signs us up from 5am-7am and then we go to breakfast, but this year has been full of changes so we went later.

After that we went home and had lunch. We then opened the rest of the presents. But the best part of the day was yet to come. At 5pm the Patriots game started and we got to watch them go 16-0 (An undefeated season!). We had a great time, but Paige got home pretty late and was fussy for a while. So we did not have the greatest night sleep. The next morning we went to church for the first time at East Bay Fellowship since Paige was born. We hung out with my parents that afternoon and Chelsie & I both had our haircut by my friend Laura. It was a great weekend.