Saturday, March 28, 2009

Learning to self feed

It is important to teach Paige how to feed herself. And not just the finger foods she has mastered well. It is time to start teaching her how to use a fork and spoon. So every dinner we feed her something more on the liquid side (yogurt, cottage cheese) and let her go at it with her spoon. We do it at dinner because as you can imagine it can get a lot messy and it is good to have bath time not far away. She is getting more food in her mouth every day.

Riding Her Tricycle

OK- So she can't actually ride her tricycle, and the helmet is a little big. But her cousin Alyssa gave her this bike when we went to visit a couple of weeks and she loves to try to ride it. Plus she loves wearing the helmet. Sometimes she will actually try to take it on a walk with us. Then it usually gets turned into a purse. But safety first, right?

Brushing Her Own Teeth.

Paige had decided that she needs to brush her own teeth. No one else can do it. She won't let us near her mouth and there is a lot of screaming if we try. But she loves to brush her own teeth. She would do it all day if we would let her. Here are some cute pictures.

Paige Walking Clo-e

We took Paige for a walk last Monday and she insisted on walking out 65+ pound pitbull. It was so cute I had to run back to the house and get my video camera. This is a small sample of the cuteness.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our little kitty cat

We have Clo-E, out pitbull so we haven't felt the need to get a cat. But my mom took Paige to library time where it was kitty day and she learned how to Meow. It is the cutest Meow so I tried to catch it on video. This was the best we could get.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Hair Cut

Today was a very important day. We are both tired of her hair always being in her face, and she does not always keep the ponytails in (more often than not- she takes out the hairtie within seconds). So we decided it was time for her first haircut. I called up the place this morning and they are very busy. But they had a spot at 9:45. After rushing out of the house and picking up my sister Mikaila, we made it just in time. However, Paige took a small nap on the way. So when we walked in she was just waking up. When I put her into the car chair, she was not very happy. She cried for the first few minutes. But then she did great. They kept her hair long which is what I wanted, but I have a feeling it will still get into her face some. The did give her bangs which will help. They put her hair into a ponytail, added a ribbon and snapped a picture. They printed out the picture and put it on a special piece of paper with her name and the date. They clipped some of her hair on to so we will have something to remember this day by. Here are some pics.
She was not a happy camper at first.
I tried to comfor her but it took a little while.

I was able to step back and she started smiling.

She didn't even try to push the hairdresser away.

Mikaila and Paige after.

Update- What Paige can do at 15 months

I believe that our daughter is very smart. She knows lots of things and is learning every day. She has a vocabulary of over 20 words. She runs around. She climbs up on things. She loves to go down slides head first. She likes to say "Hand" and take you places. She also says "Up" and tries to pick you up to go somewhere. She loves to play in daddy's old car, and she loves taking walks in her car. She is trying to use a fork and spoon, but still gets most everything somewhere else. She eats weird things when Justin feeds them to her (Raw mushrooms, radishes, whatever else he eats) but won't eat many of those things in her high chair.

Camera Dump

I have not been taking as many pictures as I did when she was first born. Even more so, I have not been posting them. I just uploaded a bunch of pics to my computer. Here are some of my favorites from the last couple of months.
Yes that is my bra. And yes she did this on her own.

In her new Green outfit.

Pig Tails- Not great at putting them in and they don't stay long- but aren't they cute?

Having fun in her ballpit

Working on the Old Car

Most of you know about the car Justin was able to get from his Grandma. He loves spending time in this car. He is a great dad and often takes Paige outside so I can get something done inside (Cooking Dinner, Paying bills, etc). Most of that time outside is spent walking or at the park. But a growing amount of time is spent in this car. She walkes by it and says "car" and tries to get in. Here are some pics that I took when I walked into the garage and saw this cute Daddy & Daughter moment.

Monday, March 2, 2009

15 Month Check-up

We took Paige for her 15 month check-up today. She weighs 23lbs and is 30.5 inches tall. 50% in both categories. But that was not surprising. The Dr told us she has two molars which we did not know were there. So she now has 9 teeth total! Hard to believe. She says more than 15 words now which puts her way ahead of the game! I knew she was smart but it is nice when the Dr confirms it. Everything went will. She had two Vaccines today and while she did cry (But she also cried when they weighed her and looked at her) she calmed down quickly and is her normal adventurous self this afternoon. Just thought I would give a quick update.