Friday, April 26, 2013

Cabin Weekend 2013

We were invited to go to Arnold and stay in a cabin with a group of friends a couple of weeks ago.  It was a great place and we had a good time.

Most people went up earlier in the day on Friday, but Justin & headed up after work.  We arrived just in time for dinner (BBQ Chicken, Potatoes and grilled Zucchini).   After Dinner we played a game called "Who, What, Where".  It sure made us laugh a lot.

The bedroom situation was almost perfect.  There were two bedrooms, a bathroom and a loft upstairs.  Mike &Denise had one of the bedrooms, The single ladies shared the other bedroom. And Justin & I were in our big air mattress in the den (Picture below). Sarah & Phil were in the downstairs bedroom and the single men were on the couches in the living room.

Saturday Morning, once everyone was up Phil whipped up a batch of his from scratch buttermilk pancakes.  Mike cooked up a ton of bacon and since stove was being utilized, I suggested we cook the eggs in the oven in a muffin tin.  We made 6 where we just cracked them and cooked them at 400 for about 10 minutes.  And then I made 6 scrambled.  They came out pretty good!

Two car loads of people headed up to have a lake day and go kayaking and sunbathing, etc.  Casey, Andrew & I stayed behind.  I explored the "town" and looked in the thrift store and discovered the cute little main street in Murphys.  The people that went to the lake were in for a surprise.... It was frozen and had snow.  Justin jumped in anyways.  He & Mike also slid down the snow covered hills.  I guess they found an unfrozen lake and walked around until the ran into this Dam.  Mike & Justin went through the huge hole in the fence to get a closer look and were lectured by the sheriff almost immediately.
Casey tried to stop Justin from running home and ended up hurting his ankle- He was a trooper.

That evening, we had a murder mystery dinner.  Denise played the Sheriff and Mike was written in as CSI Griffin.  I played a special Olympics swimmer with prosthetic hands, Justin was a big fat garbage man.  Rachel was a Ghost hunter, Phil a fireman, Anna and 80+ year old yoga instructor,  Andrew was retired greek oil tycoon, Casey was a baker, Selena was his wife and Jamie was the boat patrol girl.  It was a lot of fun.

 On Sunday, most of us headed back to downtown Murphys where there was some olive oil/vinegar tasting (So good) and some people did some wine tasting.  It was a great way to end the weekend.  

Sarah & Phil are recording their lives for 365 days.  Here are the videos of the time they were at the cabin.

Paige's First Karate Class

Our goal is to sign Paige up for as many different sports through the community center so she can see what she likes.  This month is is Karate.  She is having fun, but she says she doesn't want me to sign her up for another Karate Class.

Easter 2013

We tried to keep Easter as simple as possible this year, but it was still a bit of traveling anyways.

The Easter bunny brought Paige an Easter Basket.  The first thing she said was "The Easter Bunny Stole from us" referring to the Sun-Maid product in the basket!

We started Easter Sunday at Church.  Paige was in the Easter Choir and sang at the beginning of each service.  Plus, we ended helping out with the children during the 2nd service.

Right after church, we headed down to Santa Cruz. We had some good food.  Dan/Michelle had an Easter Egg hunt for the kids and Dan hid some beers for Justin.  I got to spend some quality time holding my baby niece Rylee!!

The night before we put curlers in Paige's hair in an attempt to curl it.  

Paige: VIP in her TK Class

Every week a child from the TK class became a VIP.  There were some perks with being a VIP.  She got to take the class Mascot (Pete Puppy) home over the weekend so he wouldn't get lonely.  He was stuffed, not living.  She got to lead the line to the playground.  And she had to make this poster all about her, plus graph something (We chose books) and she also had to write story in their class book about what Pete Puppy did over the weekend (I didn't get a picture of that though).

 Her favorite color is pink, her favorite animal was a seal, Favorite food bananas.
She picked out a goofy picture of herself for the self portrait space.  Her favorite place is a beach so we put in the picture of her and her dad.  She wants to be a princess when she grows up(She even drew a purse to go along with it). He favorite thing to is Swing and, If she had one wish, she would wish for a REAL microphone!

 She had 12 Fancy Nancy books (I think she has more but the chart only had 12 spaces)
9 Little Critter books
5 Dora books
& 2 Ladybug Girl books

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Paigeisms!

  • During dinner, Paige says "When I grow up, I want to be on the worship team". Then she proceeded to make up a song about how great that would be. A girl after my own heart (And one who loves Jesus!).
  • Paige today "Kayla, how to do you spell ABC's?" Kayla "How do you think?".. Paige "A....B..... and then lots of C since it is C's...."
  • Last, Justin was asking Paige if she wanted to be a hairdresser when she grows up (She is always doing my hair and getting really good at braids). We were watching the Voice so she simply replied (Very matter a fact like). No, I am going to be on this show. But maybe I will be a hairdresser too.
  • Paige has been obsessed with hearing aids lately. Apparently, one of her friends has one at school and she thinks it is so cool and wants one. I love that so far my little girl has two best friends who are Indian, and a friend with a hearing aid! None of those things are important to her and that makes my heart so happy. I hope that she can continue to go along in a life where the color of our skin does not matter and "disabilities" don't ever cross her mind. And I hope that Justin Huffman & I can lead by example.
  • Paige was watching The Voice with me today and she was getting into it. Two things were worth mentioning. When I mentioned Usher's name she said "Like Gushers??" She also sang me a song that was about Jesus. When she was done and I was telling her that I loved it of course, she said "Yeah- I know- I should bring it to the church huh?" Love the confidence of my little girl.
  •  Paige came home from school yesterday talking about how they found a poisonous lizard at school. They knew that it was poisonous because it had red eyes. And it was not a lizard but a type of lizard. Sometimes, I just don't know what to think when she speaks.   
  •  I have been using the phrase "Asked and Answered" when Paige asks me the same question more than once expecting a different answer. And it is working for the most part. However, she told me yesterday at dinner that someone wanted to play with her but, you know, she just can't play with EVERYONE so she told them "Asked and Answered". I wonder what that kid thought? 
  • Paige is sooo my daughter... she just said "I'm in love with three people... Brock (the teenage son of the previous children's director at our church) , Justin Beiber, an lucus ( her cousin) 4 people... my dad too. 
  • Last Night, in practically the same sentance Paige said the following:"When I grow up and go on the voice, Will you watch me?""What if I was a baby bunny and never grew up?"
  •  Conversation with Paige during the voice .Paige: mom who's your favorite?I started to answer ans she said.. " No not on the voice but your favorite girl in the whole world" I told her it was her. The she said who is your favorite singer and I replied my sister Mikaila of course. She said me too. Taylor Swift and Mikaila are my favorite.

Chelsie (My middle sister) gets Engaged

When Chelsie left for College in San Diego a few years ago, I was so excited (And a little jealous of the ocean views from many dorm rooms) but I cried, because I knew she was not going to be coming back.  And I was right.  She met Tony and this January he proposed to her.  My parents, Mikaila & I knew about the plan because in their group of friends they have the engagement party right away so we were given enough notice to get our plane tickets. 

He had a pretty elaborate plan for asking which involved throwing rocks at her third floor sliding door (He asked her out by throwing rocks at her dorm room window) and having the indoor stairway covered with pictures of them, tea lights and rose petals on the floor.  Of course she said yes (She had been hinting for some time) but she was actually surprised.

Kayla & I flew in on Saturday morning (Good thing because I ended up getting the flu that week and Friday was my first day fever free but ended up with as Sinus infection so I needed that extra day rest) and my parents flew in Friday morning.  Tony asked Friday night and the families all went out to dessert to celebrate!

The party was a fun time and I am so glad we were there to be able to share in it!